Saturday, March 14, 2020

Neolithic Revolution essays

Neolithic Revolution essays The Neolithic revolution, also known as the agricultural revolution, was a change in the way of life of our ancestors. This period was a full transition from a food gathering to a food producing society. It took place about eight thousand years ago among various tribes in Asia and the Middle East. It included a transition from foraging and hunting to the domestication of animals (mostly the dog) and to farming. Tribes settled in fertile areas and formed agricultural communities many of which grew into villages and cities. This relatively stable way of life and the more reliable food supply and surplus led to the development of new professions, to labor specialization and ultimately to the stratification of these societies. Improved conditions of life led to somewhat longer life spans. Nevertheless population growth remained low due to high infant mortality rates. The social impact of the Neolithic revolution was not as much on immediate population growth, even though it did have a long-term impact on population growth, as on the material and spiritual development of the human race. It is widely regarded as the beginning of civilization. Attempts to control environment in order to produce more food brought about the idea of people working and socializing together as a society. More social changes were brought about in the creation of larger and more complex settlements. This showed people that in order to thrive in their society, they were going to need to expand and explore further possibilities of how to make their lives more advanced. This led into the innovations of agriculture, which were first formed in Shandidar, what is now known today as Palestine. Following the changes of agriculture came the invention of pottery and sun-dried bricks. This made it possible for the people to make art and build more developed housing quarters. Finally came the invention of writing and the invention of the wheel ...